After the presentation from the academy during the Project days in July that set the tone for the fellows’ individual research projects, the next milestone was the mid-term presentations that were conducted last Monday. Even after a month of only virtual contact under the current circumstances, the fellows managed to keep up their spirit and worked with energy and enthusiasm for their projects. Despite the current situation, the virtual event was attended by the mentors and colleagues from all the over the world.
The presentations kicked off with the highly trending topic of embodied carbon first, with Francis demonstrating carbon neutral potential for buildings in different countries , guided by Clara and Tommaso and Ketan developing a workflow for calculating embodied carbon in buildings and visualizing the data with support from Alice, Daniel and Markus.
Next in line was Ana with her passive approach to dehumidification with the use of desiccants and research in different materials with mentors Hala and Guowei.
Following these presentations was the complex topic of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Pablo’s project focusing on CFD and thermal simulations for evaluating user comfort in outdoor spaces with mentors Marion and Christian. Last but not the least was Sandhiya presenting her development on a new approach for the modelling of trees in CFD simulations with Hamza.
It was a good learning experience for the academy and they also received guiding insights into their projects from many people in the company, which will inspire them to keep going forward.
Mid-term presentations from Transsolar Academy 7