
We bring the smartest people we can find to tackle this challenge in an innovative way using our holistic design process. We pride ourselves in our work and believe quality is of the upmost importance. Through our diverse project experience we bring a unique perspective to the design team. We both dream big and focus on the little details in order to create something new that we believe actually works best. Did we mention that we are simply, really nice people?

Working as a network expertise and knowledge is exchanged on a daily basis even though we are spread out in different offices. For personal exchange all staff meets at least twice a year.

Nadir Abdessemed
Ingénieur chef de projets

Nadir manages international projects of different complexity and scale. Plus

Alessa Ash
Monika Auer
Thomas Auer

Thomas a rejoint Transsolar peu après sa fondation. Son expertise et ses qualités managériales l’ont rapidement conduit au conseil d’administration. Plus

Thomas Bamber
Senior Associate

Thomas joined Transsolar in 2024 and brings 13 years of international experience in designing passive, active and ‘hybrid’ mechanical systems. Thomas focuses on the importance of all-round good building design, climate resilience, occupant health and longevity in delivering sustainability. Plus

Max Bauer
Partenaire associé

Les idées innovantes pour le confort et l’efficacité énergétique doivent être mises en œuvre de manière efficace. C'est pourquoi Max Bauer apporte son expertise en technologie du bâtiment et veille à ce que les systèmes prometteurs développés soient implémentés avec succès. Plus

Tommaso Bitossi
Partenaire associé

Tommaso se focalise sur deux aspects de la conception bioclimatique : l'architecture et l'ingénierie climatique, sur la base de sa valeur professionnelle "la suffisance avant l'efficacité". Plus

Volkmar Bleicher

Volkmar a commencé sa carrière chez Transsolar peu après la création de l’entreprise et est rapidement devenu membre du conseil d’administration. Plus

Jonathon Brearley

Jonathon believes the most impactful design comes from cross-disciplinary collaboration, drawing on a multitude of fields, perspectives, and experiences. Plus

Alberto Bruno
Ingénieur chef de projets

Alberto is an architect, specialized in sustainable design and environmental analysis. Plus

Pamela Cabrera
Senior Associate

Pamela is passionate about the impact of good design in the built environment. She understands the importance of creative thinking and an interdisciplinary approach between art and science, linking architecture to engineering. Plus

Charlotte Griesser
Alejandra Cassis
Ingénieure projets

Architect Alejandra is an expert in daylight simulations. She has evaluated numerous projects around the world in terms of visual comfort. Plus

Iris Chen

With her inter-disciplinary backgrounds in architecture and building science, Iris believes in the maximized impacts from human-centered solutions with innovative system designs, which are perfectly aligned with the core pursuits of Transsolar. Plus

Aarti Dhingra
Ingénieure projets

Aarti is architect by training with many years of work experience in ecological design, sustainability, and design for social impact. Plus

Kristyna Dvorakova
Ingénieure projets
Martin Engelhardt
Ingénieur chef de projets

In addition to thermal building simulation and sustainable energy system design, Martin specializes in outdoor comfort modeling. Plus

Tobias Fiedler
Ingénieur chef de projets

Tobias combine une vaste expérience en tant que chef de projet à une expertise approfondie des systèmes de bâtiment ainsi que de la faisabilité des développements urbains et des systèmes d‘approvisionnement en énergie. Plus

Christian Frenzel
Partenaire associé

Christian Frenzel possède non seulement le talent de développer des solutions innovantes pour les bâtiments durables au sein de l'équipe de conception, mais il sait également utiliser les outils appropriés pour modéliser ces stratégies. Plus

Jasmin Gärtner
Ingénieure chef de projets

Jasmin completed her doctorate in industry on the topic of flexibility and robustness of office buildings. Plus

Francisco Gallardo
Ingénieure projets

Francisco believes KlimaEngineering is central to improving the quality and performance of buildings and cities. Plus

Abolfazl Ganji
Ingénieur projets

Having a background in Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Building Physics, Abolfazl merges his competencies into developing new solutions for healthy and comfortable buildings. Plus

Lakshmishree Venu Gopal
Ingénieure projets

Lakshmishree specializes in climate responsive passive and active building design, sustainable urban planning, indoor and outdoor comfort. Plus

Martin Gut
Ingénieur chef de projets

Martin has developed special knowledge in complex building and system analysis and has been involved in high profile projects of different scale ranging from buildings to masterplans. Plus

Walaa Hajali
Ingénieure projets

Walaa brings broad-based knowledge to the office due to her studies in sustainable building design. Plus

Mohammad Hamza
Ingénieur chef de projets

Mohammad Hamza leads projects worldwide and develops climate-responsive design strategies of different scales. Plus

Kim Helder
Ingénieure projets
Marion Hiller
Software Development

Marion has been with Transsolar for over 25 years and has been incorporated into the internal software department from the beginning. Plus

Stefan Holst

Stefan Holst dirige le bureau de Munich depuis 2003, après de nombreuses années d’expérience en recherche énergétique et en optimisation énergétique dans la construction. Plus

Michelle Hur
Ingénieur chef de projets

Michelle has years of experience in the built environment, as a project manager and as an energy modeller. Plus

Fabian Jaugstetter
Ingénieure projets

Fabians approach to the various building projects is based on his architectural background in combination with a focus on sustainable building concepts and energy efficency. Plus

Ayush Kamalia
Project Engineer

Ayush’s work focuses around seamless integration of climate responsive passive strategies in the spatial design right from the initial conceptualization stage. He is passionate about widespread adoption of resource conscious development working in harmony with nature. Plus

Christina Kendel
Ingénieure projets

Christina applies her qualification in parametric energy design working for Transsolar‘s software engineering department in user service and software development of TRNSYS, the program for dynamic building and system simulations. Plus

Giovanna Kessling
Wolfgang Kessling

Wolfgang's knowledge over many years on ventilation systems and energy efficient buildings have led him to develop innovative solutions with architects and design teams worldwide in diverse climatic environments. Plus

Daniel Kiehlmann
Partenaire associé

Les connaissances avancées sont cruciales pour l'innovation. C’est dans cette optique que Daniel soutient le développement personnel des employés par la formation continue, un travail d'équipe étroit et le transfer de connaissances, car il convaincu que cela est essentiel au succès durable. Plus

Friedemann Kik
Ingénieure projets

Friedemann is an expert in daylight simulation and shading studies and has evaluated numerous projects all over the world in regard to visual comfort. Plus

Markus Krauß
Partenaire associé

Pour Markus Krauß, réaliser des bâtiments à zéro émission avec l’équipe de conception est une passion. Pour ce faire, il s’assure que les projets sont à l'épreuve du temps au moyen d’analyses du cycle de vie considérant l’ensemble des matériaux utilisés. Plus

Andreas Krönauer
Ingénieur projets
Raphael Lafargue
Partenaire associé

Raphael Lafargue est animé par une curiosité naturelle pour l'innovation et cherche sans cesse des réponses aux questions non résolues. Plus

Daniel Lago
Ingénieure projets

Daniel enjoys pushing the limits of technology and employing innovative solutions to tackle engineering challenges in every project. Plus

Jochen Lam
Partenaire associé

Jochen est convaincu que la simplicité est la clé d'un bâtiment fonctionnel et résilient. Une conception et une architecture de qualité soutiennent cette idée et réduisent la nécessité d'équipements techniques et en particulier de systèmes de régulation. Plus

Nuknik Lam

Nuknik is dedicated to the practice of KlimaEngineering, with a commitment to enhancing the built environment through thoughtful design decisions. Her approach is rooted in a deep understanding of local climates and contexts. Plus

Monika Lauster
PR / Marketing
Thomas Lechner
Jan Mehnert
Project Manager

Jan Mehnert brings a combination of solid experience in scientific research and the necessary pragmatism derived from practice, enabling the climate-neutral transformation of the building sector. Plus

Helmut Meyer

Spécialiste du processus de planification intégrée, Helmut a 30 ans d’expérience dans des projets à travers le monde. Plus

Katrin Müllner
Ingénieur chef de projets

Katrin is an expert in thermal building simulation and daylight simulation. Plus

Moritz Muetschele
Project Engineer

Moritz is enthusiastically committed to transforming the construction industry in an environmentally conscious and sustainable direction. Plus

Gamze Nazligül
Bertram von Negelein
PR / Marketing
Christian Oberdorf
Ingénieur chef de projets

Christian est spécialiste de la conception intégrée de bâtiments innovants. Plus

Léna Obrecht
Ingénieure projets

Léna est titulaire d’un double diplôme: un Master of Science en ‘Building and Architectural Engineering’ et un titre d’ingénieure généraliste. Plus

Erik Olsen

Erik leads Transsolar's New York team with his diverse background, rigorous technical approach, and passionate focus on high-comfort, low-impact environments. Plus

Melis Özalp
Ingénieure projets

Melis became a member of Transsolar during her Master’s studies in Italy, where she specialized in architecture for sustainable design. Plus

Krista Palen
Partenaire associée

Krista Palen est passionnée par la contribution à l'innovation dans le domaine de l'architecture et de la conception durable. Elle est convaincue que le meilleur moyen d'y parvenir est de fusionner la réflexion sur la conception avec la science du bâtiment et l'écologie. Plus

Mariana Liebman-Pelaez

Mariana has a passion for data-driven building design at the intersection of comfort, resilience, and sustainability. Plus

Anja Raab
Project Engineer

Anja Raab is an engineer for energy technology with a focus on thermodynamics and heat transfer. Plus

Matthias Rammig
Partenaire associé

Matthias Rammig est architecte et ingénieur. Il maîtrise donc deux aspects fondamentaux de la construction bioclimatique : l'architecture et l'ingénierie climatique. Plus

Christine von Raven
Ingénieur chef de projets

In consideration of necessary global climate targets, Christine is passionate and committed to sustainability and a livable environment. Plus

Andreas Renk
Stefanie Reuss
Ingénieur chef de projets

Stefanie a près de 30 ans d’expérience dans le conseil en ingénierie climatique. Elle dirige l’équipe interne de spécialiste en disponibilité de lumière du jour et est experte en matière de vitrages innovants. Plus

Björn Röhle
Ingénieur chef de projets

Björn is part of the Munich team and leads ambitious international construction projects throughout all phases. Plus

Diego Romero
Ingénieur chef de projets

Diego's enthusiasm for developing innovative energy concepts emerged early in his academic career. He aims at a future-oriented integration of building technology, physics and solar energy to bring out the best for people and the environment in projects. Plus

Elise Roussel
Ingénieure projets

Elise est titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur de l’École Centrale de Lyon. Elle a rejoint notre agence à Munich en 2018 afin de réaliser son mémoire de fin d’études sur l’optimisation de la modélisation du vent dans les espaces extérieurs. Plus

Matthias Rudolph
Ingénieur chef de projets

Matthias is known for his creative problem-solving and analytical approaches combined with exceptional communication ability. Plus

Sophie Schneider

Sophie joined Transsolar’s New York team in 2021 to provide engineering analysis support. Plus

Dieter Schnelle

As member of the management board and CFO since 2012, Dieter Schnelle is responsible for the overall financial strategy and direction at Transsolar. Plus

Matthias Schuler

Matthias est l’un des fondateurs de la société et un visionnaire de renom international. Il a introduit les concepts de planification intégrée et d’ingénierie climatique en Allemagne. Plus

Monika Schulz
Ingénieur chef de projets

Monika brings many years of experience as project manager in the research area of energy savings in buildings and solar-supported district heating systems to her consulting work. Plus

Nicole Schwonke
Thomas Slater
Ingénieur chef de projets

Thomas' love of architecture, engineering and the environment converge at Transsolar. Plus

Christoph Stetter
Ingénieure projets

Christoph has been working in the Transsolar office in Stuttgart since 2017 in user service, development and sales of the dynamic building and system simulation program TRNSYS. Plus

Isabela Tavares
Ingénieure projets

Isabela is an architect and urban planner, who specialized in outdoor thermal comfort. Plus

Felix Thumm
Partenaire associé

Felix Thumm est enthousiaste à travailler avec des architectes, des planificateurs et des développeurs pour faire avancer des projets innovants dans lesquels Transsolar apporte une valeur ajoutée à plusieurs niveaux. Plus

Peter Voit

Peter started as a freelance engineer for the newly founded company Transsolar and in 1994 became project manager, partner and soon afterwards managing director of the company. Plus

Sebastian de Vries
Ingénieur projets

Project engineer Sebastian has demonstrated his skills during his time as intern through his involvement in thermal building simulations. Plus

Alina Wagner
Ingénieure projets
Vera-Maria Wieder
Ingénieure projets

As a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, Vera brings a broad range of knowledge to the company and contributes to the company’s holistic understanding of environmental issues. Plus

Guowei Wu
Ingénieure projets

Guowei analyzes indoor and outdoor comfort strategies and assesses the energy consumption of buildings using daylight, dynamic thermal, and CFD simulations. Plus

Viola Zhang

Viola works in cross-disciplinary fields to develop and fabricate technology for more sustainable practice and environmental adaptability. Plus