Online Guest Lecture: SDE4 – Net Zero by Design

Design for net zero. Re-connecting building performance to architecture | Online Guestlecture by Dr. Wolfgang Kessling, Partner, Transsolar Klima Engineering, München | 11.12.2020 | 14.00 – 15.30 CET |

Buildings today require massive energy inputs. The way we understand architecture, the way we define comfort plays a significant role in this. Incremental improvement in design does not lead into a real greening of the build environment. What we design and build shall contribute to a better world, use fewer resources, preserve the biosphere and create a better livability. We are stuck as professional community. The world is changing fast, demand is growing faster than we can learn and implement. Do not copy architectural design from the western world, do not copy static comfort design from the western world. For a lower carbon society, we quickly need to find new answers. Wolfgang Kessling, will share project examples from tropical regions with adaptive comfort concepts intrinsically implemented into the design of buildings, buildings which breathe and offer an intense connection of indoor and outdoor spaces. Designing for adaptive comfort can reduce technical systems and energy demand by about 50% in the tropics without sacrificing thermal delight.

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Transsolar Projects: NUS School of Design and Environment, BRAC University.

This lecture is part of the Climate Responsive Design seminar, gt+ke, abk Stuttgart. The course is a collaboration between the abk, the IUSD, University of Stuttgart and the Transsolar Academy. – – transsolar-academy

Master of Arts in Architecture Seminar – Sondergebiete des klimagerechten Bauens, Lehrangebot Schwerpunkt Design_Technologie Klasse für Gebäudetechnologie und Klimagerechtes Entwerfen, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rudolph, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Degenhardt (AM), Elise Roussel MSc (LBA)