Immeuble Résidentiel Corte Salvati, Freising, Allemagne

The Society of the Catholic Apostolate, better known as the Pallottines, built two residential buildings called „Corte Salvati“ for retired brothers of the Society. The building design addresses the three major interests of the fraternity: Social responsibility, energy efficiency and conservation of natural resources.
The modern apartment complex has 51 residential units, from studio-style to multi-bedroom apartments. For easy access to the apartments all buildings are equipped with an elevator; furthermore all apartments follow accessibility requirements for people with disabilities. To ensure a long building life, energy efficiency and durability of the selected materials have been a main focus of the project, and thus also a careful use of resources. Two examples of this are: brick stone with mineral core insulation was preferred over a conventional thermal insulation composite system; parquet was installed instead of laminate. All technical systems are of highest efficiency. For example, the air handling units have 84% efficiency heat recovery and their fans consume only 0.42 Wh/m³. Additionally, a roof-top photovoltaic system offsets dependence on fossil-fuel-based grid electricity.
Transsolar developed a holistic energy concept, and supported the project throughout the design and construction phases. Detailed calculations of thermal bridges helped to minimize energy losses in complex material configurations. Using the energy model as a design tool, the building design was continually optimized, allowing the project to achieve Passive House standards and giving it access to the highest tier of grant money for energy-efficient buildings (KfW-Effizienzhaus, KfW 40).
2017 Iconic Awards Architecture