Wolfgang Kessling will be in Dubai at the Conference Comfort in Extremes 2019 next week.
In the past years, Wolfgang and his team have focused on the topic outdoor comfort. He has developed expertise, trying to identify the boundaries of what is acceptable comfort in extreme climatic situations and to understand how we can reliably calculate and predict these situations. With this knowledge, we can tap into the potential of a transition between indoors and outdoors, envisioning buildings that reconnect to their environment. Wolfgang sees this as a prerequisite to design the right measures and to ensure outdoor / indoor thermal comfort saving energy also in hot and humid climates.
On Wednesday the April 10th, Matheos Santamouris and Wolfgang will be Chairs of a Workshop called ‘Structures in Extremes’. On Thursday April 11th, in the morning session titled 'Radical Comfort Thinking', Wolfgang will talk about his vision of a paradigm shift in comfort design, that has just recently been realized in the NUS School of Design.