The co-operative effort between Kuehn Malvezzi architects and Transsolar KlimaEngineering might easily be overlooked at first glance, and thereafter remains quite invisible. Instead of conceiving architecture and the city in terms of objects and appearance, both parties argue for a conceptual approach that understands architecture as a spatial practice. Users’ experience of space extends beyond just its visible aspects.
Consequently, what is on view in the joint exhibition of Kuehn Malvezzi and Transsolar at the Galerie am Weißenhof in Stuttgart can be experienced blindly. Architecture understood as the production of space opens the way for true collaborations. The conventional division of roles, where the solutions of the engineers are merely integrated into the overall picture created by architects, is discarded in favor of a more progressive approach to architecture and urban planning that is characterized by the co-authorship of the planners involved.
Photos: Thomas Fütterer
> Galerie am Weißenhof Stuttgart
Opening Exhibition "Invisible Architecture"