A client from a new project in Australia took the chance and went to look and feel a TRANSSOLAR made climate himself at Singapore.
Read his statements forwarded to us by email.
Let's have his opinion speak for itself:
Date: Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 3:55 PM
Subject: Observations of NUS School of Design & Environment
Just wanted to record my observations of working out of the NUS building:
- External conditions were 32 degree C
- Relative humidity about 85% (guess)
- Within the workspaces I worked at, the thermal comfort monitor recorded
- humidity of about 53-55%
- temperature of 26-27C
- CO2 of about 470ppm
- There were (nominally) no other occupants in the space I was working, so no other heat loads
- Fans were on "low" speed (regulated by controller)
- No external doors were open
- The ceiling fans had movement sensors
- The mechanical ventilation produces more Oxygen when the CO2 levels increase towards 700ppm
- there is no outside air supply or exhaust (??). The system relies on positive pressure and air leakage
- Over a 20m length of building, there were 4 sets of double opening balcony doors
- Blings installed to all windows to control glare - manual
How did I feel:
- when I first walked into the space from outside, it felt cooler, like there was cool air being produced
- I noticed the ceiling fans provided a lot of moving air
- I realised that the moving air seemed to hit the ground and then rise
- The room acoustics were great - there are all hard surfaces with no soft furnishings
- ceiling baffles work really well
- There were no internal lights on and there was adequate light for me to work either within 3m of the window, or 7m from the window
- Some of the blinds were down as well (about 50%) It was not a sunny day
- After 10-15 minutes I was totally comfortable, not cool, not hot (I had shorts and light l/s shirt)
- for the next 3-4 hours I was very comfortable
- I enjoyed the slight breeze produced by the fan
- I left the space 3-4 times and went outside (5-10min). Every time I returned I felt very comfortable immediately
- The students are encouraged to use the space as a research project
- The building is 100% renewable
- They are currently returning power to the campus grid because they have no battery
- There are minimal students using the spaces at the moment
- The roof space is covered with PV
- The roof appears to be about 2x the size of the floorplate
- grey water harvesting; no black water treatment because it is not permitted by Govt
- Lots of education of the users is required to get them to embrace the 100% renewable objective
- -FYI signage around the building to explain the various innovative solutions
- removable facade panel is great idea for training the students
- no biophilia within the building
Campus Development Lead - Real Estate & Projects