New National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
The new building is located in the heart of the city in a green park called Liget, where it will be built alongside others on the site of the existing Petőfi Csarnok. The gallery has two underground and four upper floors with around 538,196 ft²/ 50,000m².
Transsolar develops the sustainable concept for energy supply as well as ventilation. The geothermal energy supply is provided by 160 boreholes to which three heat pumps are connected for both heating and cooling purposes. Two further heat pumps are designed so that their hot and cold sides can be used simultaneously. District heating and cooling are used for peak heating and cooling loads. The district cooling system is intended for all buildings in the Liget Park and uses the chillers that supply the park's ice rink in winter. Due to the high number of possibilities for heating and cooling, scenarios have been created that show when which machine has to be operated. The hydraulic diagram was also drawn up for this purpose.
In order to achieve good air distribution in the gallery rooms with the lowest possible supply air mass flow, several strategies for positioning supply air grilles were developed and proven by CFD simulations.Thermal simulations and solar radiation simulations were carried out to determine the required heating and cooling capacity as well as the required g-value of the glazing.
Additional daylight simulations were carried out to verify the light distribution and lighting conditions in the office area of the building as well as compliance with sustainability requirements: The building is aiming for the outstanding BREEAM certification and Transsolar's task is to advise the team to achieve this goal.