Margravial Palace, Karlsruhe, Germany

The classicist building remains as the centerpiece of the construction project and is simply extended by new wing buildings. In addition to a branch for a bank, the extra space will allow for office areas on the upper floors as well as restaurants and retail on the first floor. Apartments are also planned on two floors.
The main objective of the concept is the best possible quality of stay with the lowest possible carbon emissions for the entire life cycle. We have drawn up balance sheets for carbon emissions during building operation and energy costs, conducted irradiation and daylight studies, and developed an overall energy concept.
In-house, regenerative heat generation is made possible by a groundwater well. A water- heat pump raises the temperature to low-temperature heat levels. A connection to the Karlsruhe district heating network supplements the heat supply. A large part of the cooling demand is also covered by the groundwater well. Since the heat pump can be switched hydraulically, it can also operate as a compression chiller for low-temperature cooling. A conventional compression chiller is used to cover peak loads.
A photovoltaic system on the roof surfaces generates renewable electricity and thus compensates for carbon emissions. If the PV areas on the roof are maximized, a predominantly climate-neutral building operation is possible.
Ventilation by openable windows is planned for the commercial spaces on the 1st to 3rd floor facade. The proposed convective heating system close to the façade harmonizes with window ventilation and minimizes drafts when ventilating through the windows. Alternatively, underfloor convectors or radiators on the parapet are possible, which will be specified in the further planning process. In the basic design, summer comfort is ensured by external sun protection, night air flushing and ceiling fans that can be individually controlled by users. As an option, active cooling can be added in the office units or provided via the existing system.
The central part of the commercial space on the 1st-3rd floors is ventilated by a central supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery. Chilled ceilings counteract the risk of overheating in summer, especially with high occupancy. Decentralized supply and exhaust air systems in the commercial areas on the ground floor allow to respond to the requirements of the various uses. Additional heat loads are compensated by recirculating air-cooling units on the ceiling or underfloor convectors close to the facade. These are also provided for heating the units. For the meeting rooms in the central building as well as the event halls, mechanical ventilation and air extraction is planned, as well as conditioning with heating/cooling ceilings.
In the apartments, supply air enters the living space through the window rebate ventilators and is discharged centrally. Underfloor heating and cooling provide comfortable temperatures in the rooms both in winter and summer. In addition, a shading option is available.