Zeughaus – German Museum of History, Berlin, Germany

During the re-modelling and restoration of this baroque building with a floor area of 10,000 m², which is one of the oldest buildings in Berlin, an air-conditioning system has to be created that will fulfill the very high standards demanded by a modern museum. The air-conditioning equipment has to be installed in harmony with the substance of the protected structure of the building. The traditional approach of integrating the air-conditioning elements into the floors and ceilings is not possible due to the protected substance. A new and innovative approach has to be found in order to provide air-conditioning for the very large rooms which are 7 meters high and 25 meters long.
Energy Concept:
-Innovative airconditioning using displacement flow and recirculated air cylinder
-Window reveals to be included for airconditioning and as a location for the decentralized airconditioning equipment
-Development of a small airconditioner for use in the window reveals
-Natural smoke extraction
-Weather data analysis
-Software TRNSYS for thermal simulation
-Software FIDAP for flow simulation
-Software RADIANCE for daylight simulation
-Component test for ventilation equipment
1:1 airconditioning trials including measurement recordings carried out over the period of a year in the building, in a fully equipped exhibition area