The third year of the Transsolar Academy is coming to an end. Close relationships develop in one year and the fellows have become part of our office in Stuttgart. After arrival and welcoming, we try to understand each of them as an individual, in order to educate them the best way we can.
In addition to studying, each fellow works on a personal project in the fellowship year, supported by at least one Transsolar mentor. This project work offers the Academy fellows to understand the potential impact of KlimaEngineering in their home countries. On the other hand Transsolar learns about the climate, the building industry, the infrastructure and energy supply systems of countries so far unknown to most of us. We also realize the differences in design approach and working culture with the support of the fellows.
This is the most important aspect of our Transsolar Academy Project and how we believe to maximize impact by connecting ideas: Our horizon widens with every Transsolar Academy year, the connection with each of these young professionals allows us to grow.
We can see the change in each student - how they have developed their strengths and talents and pushed their boundaries. We are very proud and are certain, that each Transsolar Academy fellow will have an impact in future.
The first to leave was Amy Sara Koshy, who returned to South Africa to finalize her Master program. She brought back into our view, the importance of the social and economic aspect of sustainability.
Please read her work on “Inclusive and sustainable housing in Cape Town”
Final Days of the Transsolar Academy 2015/16