The National University of Singapore’s extension for the School of Design & Environment SDE4 is an outstanding net-zero energy building in the tropics and has been awarded again. Read article in the NUS News:
Occupant thermal comfort in an indoor environment does not have to come at the expense of the environment, as SDE4 has demonstrated. The highly energy efficient building at the top of Architecture Drive was recently accorded the Building Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark (GM) 2021 in Operation Platinum Positive Energy Award. This honour goes to signify that SDE4 is a best-in-class energy performing building with at least 115 per cent of its energy consumption supplied from renewable solar energy on its rooftop – a step up from the BCA’s GM Platinum Zero Energy certification that SDE4 attained in 2019.
Photo: NUS
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Zero Energy and beyond: NUS SDE4 attains Green Mark Positive Energy Award