Transsolar NY Invites you to the Apartment Hacks Workshop

Join us for an evening of experts, building professionals, and New Yorkers sharing low-tech actions and technologies anyone can implement, even in a small, rented apartment, to reduce our impact on the climate while improving our quality of life.

Together with 1014 we invite you to our office on Thursday, October 17 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM as part of the Archtober, New York City's Architecture and Design Month.

Our team and Clare Miflin from the Center for Zero Waste Design will lead a moderated discussion, sharing knowledge and hacks with the crowd before we open the floor to share your personal energy-efficient hacks, innovations, and ideas!

… and, you can take a close-up look at our beautifully designed acoustically protected natural ventilation window inserts that we built in our office.

Please RSVP here>
If you’d like to share your Apartment Hack for Climate Action, please submit your idea here>