At today's meeting, more detailed variants with rough cost estimates were presented. First topic was water supply options. All options, including using treated rainwater for drinking, require a connection to the local water supply. Using greywater for toilet flushing would leave plenty of that water to use elsewhere, such as for irrigation. However, this requires investing initially in ground tanks, pumps and pipes.
The next topic was the supply of electricity. The need for electrical power for lighting is rather low. However, about 90 percent of the estimated energy needs are for irons, which will be provided to students in a station to maintain their uniforms.
To allow the student charging of their phones without potential energy loss from misuse, USB charging stations in each room could be a solution. It is also possible that this low voltage DC option will reduce costs on the part of the power converters. Still unknown but important variables are the costs for a connection to the power grid, which would be omitted in case of power autarky, as well as the costs for any kind of cables. Another imprecise factor is the cost of electricity from the grid, because the hospital may get a better rate as a bulk buyer. Also uncertain is the future trend in the price of electricity. Zero Carbon Designs will be able to use the information developed for a meeting scheduled to happen soon to discuss the project with the hospital and developer.
Design / Planning: Zero Carbon Designs
Climate-friendly building material production / project developer: Impact Building Solutions Foundation