Green School for Wadi Al Mughair, Hebron, Palestine
A concept for a naturally lighted, ventilated, heated and cooled school has been developed in collaboration with the client. Compared to regular school buildings in Hebron, these measures shall improve air quality and thermal comfort. The goal is a comfortable learning environment both in the cold winter and in hot summer season, without mechanical systems.
Only passive strategies and systems have been implemented without using any mechanical and electrical equipment by taking into consideration the existing climate, the solar gains and local resources.
Optimization of comfort in the class rooms is achieved by considering the following aspects:
- Reorientation of the building and class rooms to optimize solar gains versus glare.
- Optimisation of glass/opaque elements
- Seasonally mobile solar protection
- Reduced infiltration through locally produced, high quality windows
- Appropriate insulation
- Natural ventilation
- Utilization of solar chimneys and solar walls
- Utilization of geothermal energy though earthducts for preconditioning of air.
A long-term monitoring of major performance aspects is scheduled.