Listed building 'Maschinenhaus' conversion, Munich, Germany

The historic Maschinenhaus (boiler house) was built around 100 years ago as Munich's first combined heat and power plant. The listed building will be converted into a modern office building with a loft character. After gutting, new floor slabs will be installed. In addition to large office spaces, kitchenettes, meeting rooms and individually rentable co-working spaces are planned. Two extensions to the historic building will provide additional office space as well as a restaurant. To provide parking, a new underground garage will be built.
Transsolar’s climate concept aims for minimal technical effort. For purely natural ventilation, fresh air enters the supply air shaft in the basement via a horizontal opening. Here, the air is preheated via heating coils and then flows into the office rooms in the lower floor. Driven naturally by buoyancy, the air passes from there through all floors and over the roof to the outside.
Operable windows allow individual user intervention and enable cross-ventilation in summer. Underfloor heating and cooling supplemented by ceiling fans ensure a high level of comfort with low energy requirements.